
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a show about a young girl named Buffy who moves to Sunnydale, California to battle her way through vampires and demons. Throughout the show Buffy and her gang of friends (Xander, Willow, Giles, Angel, etc.) fight to survive demons, high school, relationships, and college. Fortunately,  unlike some of the shows on this blog, Buffy went on for 7 seasons before being discontinued. It was discontinued because the cast, crew, and writers felt that it was time to end it.

Of all of the TV series that I've seen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has stayed my all time favorite because I remember it as the show I grew up watching as a teenager. I remember coming home after school and watching the show at 5pm every day on FX. Buffy at that time eased my the stress that came with moving to a new city.

Overall as a whole Buffy was a very enjoyable series. Every season brought in something new that kept many of its viewers like me hooked. Buffy did what many fantasy shows have not been able to do: make their world believeable. At times I felt like the world of Buffy could be real (thank God it's not!). Furthermore, the characters are very 3 dimensional and relatable; no one is perfect and flawless. 

Buffy is one of those shows that could make you cry and laugh all within the same minute. Buffy also provides closure to its series. The ending is very dramatic and full of sad and happy moments. But in between all of those moments there is a feeling of closure and reassurance. 

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