
Monday, April 8, 2013

True Blood

I want to start out this review by saying that True Blood is like porn, but with a great story. True Blood, like most HBO Shows, is very graphic and sexual. THUS this show is not for everyone.

So True Blood is a TV series adapted from a book series. The plot of the story is that recently vampires have come out into the open and have let humans know that they exist. However, after they came out there was a lot of animosity towards them because they were blamed for a lot of disappearances and deaths. Republicans and Southerners alike hate them the most and want to stop them from receiving equal rights. 

Sounds familiar? That's because the author of the book series intended it to be a big metaphor for what is happening here to the gays in America. 

The story follows a young southern girl named Sookie who falls in love with a vampire named Bill. ("OH MY GUUURRD it's like twilight." No it's not, it's better. The vampires here actually kill people!) However, their love is not accepted by society because she is a human and he is a vampire. Furthermore, Sookie has magical powers; she can hear people's thoughts and send out energy blasts. Her magical powers also give her blood a special scent and taste that's irresistible to vampires. This causes a lot of problems because she becomes the target of many vampire attacks.

As the story progresses, more vampires start to get involved and the story shifts into war of politics and magic. Many Americans want to launch war on vampires while other humans are fine with coexisting with them. In contrast  vampires want to start farming humans while other vampires wish to learn and live peacefully with humans. 

Overall I like this series because it introduces a political debate in an interesting way. Furthermore, I feel like many of the characters bring a lot into the table. One character in particular, Lafayette,  is a gay black man with an attitude and personally that puts a smile on your face. Fortunately, the show is still running and planning on releasing it's 6th season this upcoming June.


I just want to start out this review by say "Oh my GUUURD" talk about a twist!

As you can see by my comment above this tv series has one of the best twists I have ever seen in a television series. In fact I think it might have the best. So the basic plot of this series is that there is this company that has buildings all over the world (New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong) that specialize in programming people for different sexual or relationship services. This particular "dollhouse" is in LA. So rich clients come in and pay for the "perfect" person they want. 

Once the list of things is compiled, the doll, hand-picked by the buyer, is programmed with those qualities. Once the job is over, the "dolls" are brought back and erased. When they are in their "erased' state they have no memories of their past. There are more or less like children; no sexual series, just basic needs.

The series follows a doll named Echo who for some reason is able to remember and keep some of the memories and skills she was programmed to have. 

As the story progresses we learn that the reason that they have dolls  is because individuals actually sign up to be a doll for 5 years in exchange for 100 million dollars. Furthermore, we learn that these dolls are being programmed to do other jobs like stealing information from other companies and assassination. 

I love this series because it makes you think about the future and about the possibility of living beyond death. What I mean by this is that some rich people actually save their memories, experiences, etc in order for it to be transferred to a doll. It also makes you question whether or not you would consider being a doll if you really needed the money. As for the twist, you'll have to watch to find out!


Supernatural is a show I am currently watching because it has not been discontinued after 8 seasons. And as of February it has been confirmed for a 9th season!

So Supernatural is a show about two brothers who travel together investigating cases that seem to have supernatural ties to them. usually each episode begins with someone dying and the brothers, Sam and Dean, investigating. Every season brings a new big enemy or force they have to face. The plot thickens as they start introducing demons and angels. At one point they have a bunch of pagan gods on an episode. However, all the pagan gods (which include Shiva and Mercury) are horribly and brutally killed by Lucifer. 

As the story progresses, a goal develops in the show. The goal is to lock up all of the demons away to hell in order for Sam and Dean to live "normal" lives.

The younger brother, Sam, wants a normal life more than his brother Dean because the brief period where he went to Stanford (*cough, cough* Go CAL!) makes him see that there is a life beyond being a "hunter." However, Dean, having not experienced life outside of being a hunter, is afraid of losing his brother in the future if they do not have "hunting" keeping them together. 

I really enjoy this series because I like they blur the lines between good and evil. Demons and angels aren't on two different sides of the spectrum in this series. It also makes you question a lot of ideas like God and death. 

Tru Calling

Tru Calling is a show that follows a 20 year old college student named Tru Davis who is an aspiring pre-medical student in New York. While interning at a local morgue, Tru hears voices coming from the room where they examine bodies. Thinking that it's one of her co-workers playing a joke on her, Tru investigates and uncovers the dead body of girl who she earlier examined. As she turns around to go back to her office the young girl grabs her hand and whispers "save me."At that point time freezes and time rewinds.

This type of routine happens over and over again over the course of the series, however, with each case she understands her "gift/curse" better. I would rate this series as my second favorite series of all time because it appeals to the part of me who wants to be a doctor, like Tru Davis.

Unfortunately, the series was cancelled after two seasons and the story was never finished. The one and half seasons that there is to review are amazing and thought provoking. Many times throughout the course of the show I put myself in Tru's place. I found myself sympathizing with Tru and agreeing with many of the decisions she made.

At one point of the series you start to question whether or not she should continue or whether she should continue her path of being a doctor. You also question if what she's doing could have an effect on the future and "God's" plan.

I really enjoyed this series. However, I recommend a tissue or two when watching the show because it does get very emotional and painful to watch. I'm just sad they didn't continue the show.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a show about a young girl named Buffy who moves to Sunnydale, California to battle her way through vampires and demons. Throughout the show Buffy and her gang of friends (Xander, Willow, Giles, Angel, etc.) fight to survive demons, high school, relationships, and college. Fortunately,  unlike some of the shows on this blog, Buffy went on for 7 seasons before being discontinued. It was discontinued because the cast, crew, and writers felt that it was time to end it.

Of all of the TV series that I've seen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has stayed my all time favorite because I remember it as the show I grew up watching as a teenager. I remember coming home after school and watching the show at 5pm every day on FX. Buffy at that time eased my the stress that came with moving to a new city.

Overall as a whole Buffy was a very enjoyable series. Every season brought in something new that kept many of its viewers like me hooked. Buffy did what many fantasy shows have not been able to do: make their world believeable. At times I felt like the world of Buffy could be real (thank God it's not!). Furthermore, the characters are very 3 dimensional and relatable; no one is perfect and flawless. 

Buffy is one of those shows that could make you cry and laugh all within the same minute. Buffy also provides closure to its series. The ending is very dramatic and full of sad and happy moments. But in between all of those moments there is a feeling of closure and reassurance.